On-line registration is the fastest means of registering a Domain Name. It involves searching for available Domain Names, providing your details and making payment via credit card. There are 5 steps to registering on-line which are detailed below.
Step 5: making payment by credit card
On the payment page you see a summary of the cost of the service and the input for your credit card details. You will be asked for:
- The name of the credit card holder
- The postal code of the credit card holder
- The credit card type
- The credit card Number
- The issue number (if Maestro)
- The Expiry Date
BeepWeb Limited uses the SecureTrading network to process all credit card transactions. If you look at the address of the payment web page, you will notice that it starts with 'https://' which means the page uses a secure server and all information is encrypted. Details of the security features that BeepWeb Limited uses are listed at the bottom of the payment page.
Once your credit card has been cleared, you will see a congratulatory web page. An email order confirmation will then be sent to your Reply Email address.
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